torsdag 4 augusti 2011

Dags för Gardasil-sprutan? Påminnelse om 2009:s dödsfall...

Some excerpts from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reports.

(COD = Cause Of Death)

How many young girls and women have died suddenly and the connection to Gardasil was never made? (If you know of a young girl or woman that died suddenly or of natural causes that had the Gardasil vaccine, please contact me through my website all responses will be kept confidential.)  This has become an international epidemic. I am receiving hits to my website from all over the world and reports of injury from outside of the United States. Here is an article from the European Medicines Agency.
279592 — Cause of death from a blood clot.
278865 — Respiratory failure on 3/6/07. 6/1/07 Received Death Certificate from epidemiologist which reveals COD asmultiorgan system failure and influenza B viral sepsis with contributing cause of staphylococcal secondary infection. (NOTE: 3/5 & rapid strep was negative & diagnosis was probable influenza.)
280163 — “the death was due to an anaphylactic reaction to Gardasil.”
297528 — the patient died in her sleep.
275428 — Autopsy Report which reveals COD as acute probable viral etiology myocarditis & manner of death as natural. (NOTE: Aortic & mitral valve insufficiency of unknown etiology.)
275438 — Sudden cardiac death and pulmonary embolism.
275990 — “the patient died of a blood clot 3 hours after getting the Gardasil vaccine.”
282747 — physician who attended a conference that mentioned two patients who were vaccinated with Gardasil. Subsequently the patients died. The cause of death not reported.
287888 — the patient died suddenly. The cause of death was unknown.
291804 — autopsy report which reveals COD as diabetic ketoacidosis & manner of death as natural.
293388 — death certificate from funeral home which states COD as brain death due to cerebral herniation and meningoencephalitis. (NOTE: patient received HPV & Menactra on 5/10/2007.)
300066 — the patient was found dead in her truck from a blood clot
323430 — amyotrophic lateral sclerosis & death by respiratory collapse.
319810 — She was taken to the hospital by ambulance but passed away during the transport from an unknown cause.
320909 — The cause of death was “viral insult to the heart.”
320910 — The patient’s mother told to the physician that her daughter died in her dorm room 4 days after receiving the dose.
318491 — The cause of death was reported as allergic reaction to GARDASIL.
316983 — Death
317757 — Death — coroner says enlarged heart & enlarge spleen
309233 — Due to the arrhythmia the patient was placed on life support and died
325814 — The patient was told that the leukemia was treatable however on 25-JUN-2008 the patient passed away. (NOTE: physician mentioned that something had to trigger the onset and the reporter believed that it was GARDASIL.)
325063 — the patient experienced myocarditis and died.
310262 — cause of death is undetermined.
322250 — The cause of death was unknown.
321405 — Subsequently the patient died. (NOTE: One office mentioned that it had something to do with spleen, another office said that the case was closed; the patient died of natural causes, and a third office said that this case was still under investigation.)
319533 — Cardiac arrest, cause undetermined
324002 — Cause of Death: cardiovascular collapse as a consequence of pulmonary emboli, dehydration and diabetic ketacidosis. (NOTE: Sudden death)
305606 — Autopsy report states COD as undetermined.
321696 — (NOTE: Her cause of death was listed as “cardiac disturbance of undetermined etiology.” Taken from newspaper report.)
London, 24 January 2008
Doc. Ref. EMEA/37479/2008
The European Medicines Agency (EMEA) has received reports of deaths in women who had previously received Gardasil, including two reports concerning the sudden and unexpected deaths of two young women in the European Union (EU).
For some reason the reporting of adverse events in the media both here and abroad are being silenced. How do I know this? An acquaintance of mine reported to me that a contact of ours whose daughter is now paralyzed has been threatened into silence and not allowed to talk to the media.
All efforts to find out who threatened them and why have come to no avail, they are too scared to even talk to us.
Take that any way you want. Should I be scared of those forces that have created such fear into this family, probably? Am I scared, No.
Exposing the injustices to our children and the people has become a calling for me. If something should ever happen to me someone else will take up my banner and continue to fight for the people of this great nation and world.
© Cynthia A. Janak
Posted with Permission



Wakefield - sanning eller konsekvens?

Det är bara att läsa.... fri tolkning är tillåten...

You cannot trust your doctor and you cannot believe him or her.  When you visit your doctor he or she is part of this.  He or she is sitting back and letting this go on under his or her nose without complaining – keeping silent – saying nothing.  He or she is the person prescribing for you and your children and families drug industry products which kill and injure because they have not been tested properly like Vioxx and vaccines and/or because they are useless, but he or she is happy to enjoy the money earned doing that.  He or she is the person who gets your private medical information but you cannot trust them with it because he or she sits back and does nothing when children’s medical records are illegally disclosed and used by a journalist who then writes about them in the British Medical Journal.
He or she is a member of The British Medical Association, the doctors’ trades union, or one like it outside the UK.
The BMA is a symbol of our morally and politically sick society.
The BMA sits back and takes the substantial profits of wrongdoing from its own journal, the British Medical Journal.  The BMA’s official line is that it does not control the running of the BMJ and its stable of other journals and pretends to the public and patients it can do nothing about it.  The BMA is a politically powerful organisation with the British government but pretends it cannot control its own house journal mailed every week to all of its members.  But if the BMA cannot control its own house journal, guess who can exercise control over the BMA?  Yep, BMJ Editor-in-Chief Dr Fiona Godlee is a Chief Officer of the BMA: [BMA Chief Officers]. Her name appears first on the BMJ Editorial falsely accusing Dr Andrew Wakefield of fraud.
Over and above all that, the BMA is a trades union.  It does not represent you or your children or your wider family when it comes to health.  It is there to get and keep money in the pockets of its members, and it looks like when it comes to the BMJ and the drug industry, it really does not care how it does that.
And when the BMA makes public statements on health matters and lobbies the British government for what it wants, you can be sure that is not done with you the patient, your children and family in mind, even if that is claimed to be the case.
The current Chairman of the BMA is Professor David Haslam and the Chairman of The BMA Council is Dr Hamish Meldrum: BMA Chief Officers.
Dr Meldrum’s résumé says:
… he is keen to ensure that both the organisation and the profession are well prepared to meet the challenges of ensuring that doctors are supported and fairly rewarded in delivering the highest possible quality care to their patients and that the NHS remains true to its founding values and principles in an increasingly complex environment.
His interests, outside medicine and medical politics, when he has time, include sport (watching lots and participating in keep fit, tennis, swimming and dormant golf), hill-walking, photography, music (quite varied tastes), cooking (also varied tastes) and wine.
It does not say anything about maintaining the reputation of the British medical profession for high standards of ethics and probity. Enjoy your “dormant golf” Dr Meldrum.  With all those outside sporting interests Dr Meldrum’s time is clearly taken up with a lot of balls.  With so many in the air, has he dropped the BMJ’s?

British Medical Journal Fraud Allegations – Truth Laid Bare – Summary Re Autism & Dr Wakefield

Diktatorn Obama eller bara tillsatt marionett???

If there is one thing that the office of President Barack Obama demonstrates it is that democracy does not exist in the United States. This may seem a rather outlandish statement. For many people, the fact that the 44th president is the first black man to preside over the White House – with its American colonial-style architecture – is a tribute to the triumph of US democracy.
But many other more telling facts indicate that Obama is but a figurehead of an unelected government in the US. This unelected power of corporate elites – commercial, financial, military – governs with the same core policies regardless of who is sitting in the White House. Whether these policies are on social, economic or foreign matters, the elected president must obey the direction ordained by the unelected elite. That kind of untrammeled power structure conforms more closely in practice to dictatorship, not democracy.
As Michael Hudson and Ellen Brown reveal in their analyses of the US budget debacle, Obama is pathetically doing the bidding of Wall Street – much like an errand boy [1] [2].
Brown writes: “The debt crisis was created, not by a social safety net bought and paid for by the taxpayers, but by a banking system taken over by Wall Street gamblers. The gamblers lost their bets and were bailed out at the expense of the taxpayers; and if anyone should be held to account, it is these gamblers.
“The debt ceiling crisis is a manufactured one, engineered to extort concessions that will lock the middle class in debt peonage for decades to come. Congress is empowered by the Constitution to issue the money it needs to pay its debts.”
Obama’s servile toeing of Wall Street’s line is not the behavior of a free leader boldly defending the interests of the people and the greater good. Rather, his behaviour is that of one doing what he is told to do – and doing it with grateful deference.
In this way, of course, Obama is hardly different from his predecessors. But of difference is just how blatant the White House is now appearing to function as a mere tool of the rich and powerful elite.
The irony is that Obama’s election was presented as a potent symbol of American democracy; the truth is that the two-party system has become a threadbare cover for immense feebleness when it comes to serving the diktat of elite power as opposed to the good of the people. “The most powerful office in the world” would be more accurately referenced as “the most feeble purveyor of elite interests”.
Obama’s presence in the White House indulges a superficial moral/political correctness while the masters whip us all into austere servitude.
The US “war on terror” is another illustration of America’s dictatorship of the elite – and Obama’s pathetic servile role of carrying out the masters’ orders in defiance of the will of the people.
Recall that Obama’s bid for presidential election in 2008 was avowedly based on ending the US-led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He also denounced his incumbent rival George W Bush over the use of special powers that enabled such aberrations as the Guantanamo Bay concentration camp and a host of draconian home security policies infringing on civil rights
Obama also signaled in his inaugural speech – reiterated again soon after in Cairo – that under his watch the US was resetting foreign policy – turning away from the militarist policies of Bush to a more enlightened approach for settling conflicts with the Muslim World and Iran in particular. “If they unclench their fist, we will extend our hand,” Obama declared with seemingly heartfelt eloquence.
But on every count, Obama has reneged on his supposed opposition to the US “war on terror”. Indeed, under his watch, the US has expanded its militarist foreign policy – which is apparently predicated on the belief that “western democracy is threatened by Islamic extremism”. Obama has done nothing to roll back draconian home security policies, indeed appears to have extended them. And he continues his predecessor’s deception of conflating Iran and its alleged nuclear ambitions as part of this phony “Islamic extremists” narrative.
To perform such a disgraceful U-turn on so many election promises, the presidency of Barack Obama is clear proof that the holder of office in the White House is not the one who is setting policy – rather, he is following policy that is set by unelected others.
When news broke about the massacre in Norway where more than 70 people were killed in a twin bomb and gun attack, Obama reacted like an automaton of the unelected power system, instead of like an independent, reasonable political leader. Even though it was clear within hours of the atrocity that the perpetrator was a blond-haired Norwegian with fascist and deeply Islamophobic views, nevertheless Obama reacted immediately to present it as an act of Islamic terrorism.
Speaking from the White House, Obama said: “It's a reminder that the entire international community has a stake in preventing this kind of terror from occurring, and that we have to work co-operatively together both on intelligence and in terms of prevention of these kinds of horrible attacks.”
The president may not have used the words “Islamic terrorism” but it is clear that he was invoking the massacre as part of the “war on terror” which is predicated on the notion of Islamic terrorism.
In this mindset, Obama was not alone. British Prime Minister David Cameron moved into action stations, saying that British intelligence would help their Norwegian counterparts to track down the culprits – again implying that the perpetrators were part of an international organization – which in war on terror code means an Islamic organization.
The US and British news media also jumped to the conclusion that the Norwegian attacks must have something to with Al Qaeda or some other “Jihadist” group.
That such a widespread and erroneous reflex response from Western political leaders and news media – the so-called free press – can be elicited so uncritically shows how trenchantly the war on terror and its Islamophobic mindset are embedded.
The consequences of this are deeply disturbing. For a start, such a mindset of the Western political and media establishment can only lead to further Islamophobia in these societies. There were reports of hate attacks against ordinary Muslims across Europe immediately after the Norway atrocity, no doubt caused by the malign and erroneous way that politicians and the media attributed the incident to Islamists.
Even more disturbing is that the war on terror mindset fomented by Western governments and media over the past 10 years has led to the creation of lunatic fascist psychopaths like Anders Behring Breivik who carried out the Norway mass murder. Breivik and others like him think that Europe and the US must be defended from some kind of Muslim threat. This kind of logic does not conjure from thin air. It is rather the logical conclusion of the war on terror mindset that Western governments and news media have pushed down the throats of their citizens for a decade.
The sad part is that the majority of Western citizens are not convinced by the phony crusading of their governments and media, nor of the alleged threat of Islamic extremists. Most people realize that whatever Islamic extremists operate, they are either a creation of Western intelligence or a backlash against Western imperialism. That is why Obama’s avowed election promises to end America’s criminal wars and reset foreign policy on a more reasonable, democratic footing got him elected.
The even sadder part is that as Obama’s ineffectual election shows, the US (and its Western lackeys) is being driven further and further into bankrupting, criminal wars of aggression that will cause more victims of violence and social mayhem at home and abroad. And it’s all because democracy in the US (and elsewhere in the West) is non-existent. The US is a dictatorship. And Mr Obama is too ineffectual (save for the masters) and irrelevant to be even loosely called its dictator.
Finian Cunningham is a Global Research Correspondent based in Belfast, Ireland.

Självklart är den ekonomiska krisen skapad. Det är precis det som spelet på marknaden handlar om dvs att flytta pengar ifrån en ficka till en annan. Massor av människor som tillhörde medelklassen innan ruinspelet satte igång är nu stolta och glada medlemmar av underklassen. De går på piller och väntar på någon samtalsterapi för att reda ut vad som egentligen hände och vad de gjorde för fel.
Härlig värld vi lever i alla för en eller en för alla, eller?

Vi kan kanske i varje fall enas om en sak och det är att det händer tillräckligt många saker som eliminerar den neddragande tristessen!!!!

Måste tänka som man gjorde på 60-talet..... livet är ingen dans på rosor men huvudsaken är att man har rena trosor.

Tyler Ward like a Skyscraper

Styrka kommer inifrån hjärtat vilket är kopplat med skör silvertråd till din själ/ditt högre jag. Det är just därför man kan resa sig som en skyskrapa ett tag efter någon dragit undan mattan under ens fötter.

Faktum är att man inte går under när saker rycks bort ifrån en. Man kan bli utsatt för mobbing och förlora jobbet för att sedan bli vräkt för man inte har pengar till hyran. Vännerna försvinner och verkligheten framstår som en hård kall värld, en värld man inte sett bakom trygghetens draperi.

Man kan uppleva att man blir krossad likt ett glas som går sönder men vi skall inte glömma att det är lättare att pussla ihop oss själva än att få ett duralex glas att se ut som det gjorde före fallet….

Så precis som Tyler sjunger…….  släpp rädslan med ett leende och res dig upp som en skyskrapa och visa hela ditt underbara jag…