måndag 11 juli 2011

Neotam det nya massförstörelsevapnet?!?... eller bara hjärntumörer?

The detailed history of Monsanto's toxic sweetener, aspartame, is available to anyone who is interested in the abuse of the scientific method by a company without any apparent concern for public health. The history of neotame, however, is not yet known by independent researchers. Based on past actions by Monsanto and their scientists, I have put together a fictionalized, but not too far-fetched history of neotame. Enjoy!
In 1993, a former Monsanto scientist was working at a secret army chemical weapons plant when there was accidental realease of a newly-developed chemical weapon, neotox-II. After the alarm sounded, other workers ran to the decontamination room. But this man, having learned at Monsanto that chemicals are not something to be afraid of, stood his ground. On the middle finger of his left hand, there had accummulated a tiny amount of neotox-II.

He put his finger up to his nose to thoroughly investigate this new chemical. It made him intensely nauseous, but there was also a very strong sweet smell. Believing that sweet means safe, no matter how toxic, he licked his finger. Neotox-II was incredibly sweet! The nausea became intense and his body began to convulse. He didn't seem to care, belting out, "I have found it! I have found it!" at the top of his lungs.

When he was released from the army hospital three weeks later, he knew what he had to do. He placed a call to several Monsanto/ NutraSweet executives telling them about the discovery. He had no concern about divulging military secrets as he knew that these Monsanto executives would have no trouble convincing government officials to give the patent and use of neotox-II to Monsanto. "After all," he reminded himself, "Monsanto executives have had so many official government positions, we essentially run the government!"

Putting together safety data for the FDA was not a serious challenge. The mixture of neotox-II with standard Monsanto fairy dust, led to the production of volumes of safety data. The fairy dust did not change the chemical structure of neotox-II, but did cause a name change to "neotame".

All links between neotame and neotox-II were destroyed...except two. Instead of presenting the aspartame-blinded Mr. Magoo as the sweetener symbol, the symbol of neotame is a picture of the back of the left hand of the former Monsanto scientist -- holding up the finger where neotox-II was found and offering it to the world.

The only other link to neotox-II is a secret Monsanto source who is relaying this story.

Neotam finns i över 1000 produkter utan att någon ordentlig vetenskaplig studie gjorts som visar om sötningsmedlet är skadligt eller ej på lång sikt.

Sötningsmedel riktar sig till den stora grupp av barn och vuxna som idag har diabetes eftersom de inte kan/bör äta vanligt socker. Aspartam har visat sig orsaka blindhet i denna sjukdomsgrupp och eftersom Neotam är en vidareutveckling av Aspartamet så måste vi förmoda att även det kan leda till att ett stort antal mister sin syn.

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