torsdag 26 maj 2011
Hemliga vädervapen, eller?
A top Duma political leader caused shock waves in a recent television interview when he warned that Russia could deploy an arsenal of new technology to “destroy any part of the planet” and kill over a hundred million people using secret weather weapons if the United States, the UN or Georgia tried to stop Russia’s entry into the WTO.
Läs vidare:
Det gäller att vi öppnar gluggarna och tänker utanför ramarna. I kärlek och krig är ju allting tillåtet.
Klipp inte navelsträngen för tidigt på de nyfödda
Hej |
Jag har sett en mycket intressant video som jagh hoppas ni kan ta till era hjärtan;
himla bra blogg här också- läs om återupplivning av dödfödda genom denna metod
PS....västvärlden gör massvis med pengar på all tidig avnavling och speciellt idag när man säljer stamcellerna i placentan,,,
lördag 21 maj 2011
En gammal rapport från NASA om soleruptioner
läs bifogad rapport om effekten från soleruptioner i Sverige!
Bör man ifrågasätta EMA och Läkemedelsverket?
Läkemedelsindustrins rötter sträcker sig djupt in i det amerikanska bildningssystemet. År 1910 skrevs en rapport av American Medical Assosciation (AMA) som förändrade kursen för medicinsk historia. Tidigare hade den amerikanska undervisningen i medicin varit oreglerad och led av dåligt rykte. Man såg en möjlighet när Carnegie Foundation erbjöd att göra upp riktlinjer och kvalifikationer för de medicinska skolorna med hjälp av AMA. Flexner rapporten, som fick sitt namn efter Abraham Flexner vid Carnegie Foundation, inkluderade rekommendationer för ökade kurser i farmakologi. Rockefeller och Carnegie började pumpa in pengar i dessa institutioner som utvecklades med nya krav. Till dags dato har Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford, Sloan, Kellogg och andra fonder pumpat in miljardtals dollar i de amerikanska medicinska skolorna. (36)
I enlighet med The Drug Story skriven av Maurice Bealle, gjorde han en undersökning om vilket inflytande Rockefeller hade på läkekonsten och Rockefeller Foundation var den ensam största donatorn för amerikansk medicinundervisning:
Rockefellers och deras elever har bibehållit nyckelpositioner och gett direktiv för amerikanernas hälsa, och de var direkt involverade i de institutioner som hade hand om den allmänna hälsan. År 1938 inbjöd tyska judiska forskare Hitler till det nybildade National Institutes of Health, som var byggt på ett privat område in Bethesda och donerad av John D. Rockefeller. National Institutes of Health finns där fortfarande idag.
Nelson A. Rockefeller var biträdande sekreterare för ministeriet för hälsa, utbildning och välfärd från juni 1953 till januari 1955. Främst, vid sidan av detta, var han ordförande för Special Committee on Defense Organization från februari till april 1953 och därefter rådgivare till sekreteraren för försvarsorganisationen vid försvarsministeriet från januari till april 1958. Mellan januari 1953 och december 1958 var han ordförande för presidentens Advisory Committee on Government Organization. Rockefeller tog HEW-jobbet för att omorganisera hälsoministeriet för att möta de hemliga förnödenheterna för USAs biologiska-, kemiska- och kärnvapenprogram, vilka behövde åtskilliga tester på ovetande amerikaner och kanadensiska medborgare, så som beskrivs under punkten AIDS här nedan. (39) Laurence S. Rockefeller ingick också i styrelsen för The Community Blood Council of Greater NY, grundad av Sloan Foundation. (40) Rockefeller univeristetets fakultet utbildar 34 medlemmar av National Academy of Science och 8 medlemmar från New York Academy of Sciences’ Council och de arbetar för närvarande inom företag eller institutioner som är anknutna till Rockefeller. (41)
I enlighet med The Drug Story skriven av Maurice Bealle, gjorde han en undersökning om vilket inflytande Rockefeller hade på läkekonsten och Rockefeller Foundation var den ensam största donatorn för amerikansk medicinundervisning:
Harvard, som är en välrenommerad medicinsk skola fick 8 764 433 dollars från Rockefeller’s Drug Trust Money, Yale fick 7 927 800 dollars, John Hopkins fick 10 418 531 dollars, Washington University i St. Louis fick 2 842 132 dollars, New Yorks Columbia Univeristy fick 5 424 371 dollars, Cornell University fick 1 709 072 etc. (37)
Rockefellers och deras elever har bibehållit nyckelpositioner och gett direktiv för amerikanernas hälsa, och de var direkt involverade i de institutioner som hade hand om den allmänna hälsan. År 1938 inbjöd tyska judiska forskare Hitler till det nybildade National Institutes of Health, som var byggt på ett privat område in Bethesda och donerad av John D. Rockefeller. National Institutes of Health finns där fortfarande idag.
Nelson A. Rockefeller var biträdande sekreterare för ministeriet för hälsa, utbildning och välfärd från juni 1953 till januari 1955. Främst, vid sidan av detta, var han ordförande för Special Committee on Defense Organization från februari till april 1953 och därefter rådgivare till sekreteraren för försvarsorganisationen vid försvarsministeriet från januari till april 1958. Mellan januari 1953 och december 1958 var han ordförande för presidentens Advisory Committee on Government Organization. Rockefeller tog HEW-jobbet för att omorganisera hälsoministeriet för att möta de hemliga förnödenheterna för USAs biologiska-, kemiska- och kärnvapenprogram, vilka behövde åtskilliga tester på ovetande amerikaner och kanadensiska medborgare, så som beskrivs under punkten AIDS här nedan. (39) Laurence S. Rockefeller ingick också i styrelsen för The Community Blood Council of Greater NY, grundad av Sloan Foundation. (40) Rockefeller univeristetets fakultet utbildar 34 medlemmar av National Academy of Science och 8 medlemmar från New York Academy of Sciences’ Council och de arbetar för närvarande inom företag eller institutioner som är anknutna till Rockefeller. (41)
Priset för folkmord genom medicinvård består av tre delar:
1) Mediciner botar inte sjukdomar,
2) Läkemedel dödar och skadar ett stort antal människor,
3) Mediciner trugas på allmänheten på regeringens försorg och effektiva alternativ förnekas.
Om man tar de två första priserna, kan de verka omöjliga för den tredje att verkställas i ett fritt samhälle. Men det är såhär det går till:
Priset för folkmord genom medicinvård består av tre delar:
1) Mediciner botar inte sjukdomar,
2) Läkemedel dödar och skadar ett stort antal människor,
3) Mediciner trugas på allmänheten på regeringens försorg och effektiva alternativ förnekas.
Om man tar de två första priserna, kan de verka omöjliga för den tredje att verkställas i ett fritt samhälle. Men det är såhär det går till:
- Kontrollerar mediciner och de administreras främst av sådana som Food and Drug Administration i USA och The Medicines Control Agency i Storbritannien (motsv. Läkemedelsverket, YH anm.) och de bestämmer vilka mediciner som är säkra, effektiva och lagliga
- Professionella medicinska sammanslutningar ger doktorerna tillstånd att förskriva mediciner och kan ordinera dem
- Enligt den brittiska och europeiska modellen för förstatligade mediciner, ges tillstånden av regeringens hälsovårdsministerium som besluter hälsoreglerna och köper medicinerna för allmänhetens räkning, vilka sällan inkluderar naturmedicinska preparat
- Medicinska forskarlag kontolleras av Läkemedelsverket och regeringen inverkar på de tre förstnämnda.
Zombie propaganda....vad händer i världen?
Jag trodde först det var ett skämt när CDC gick ut och varnade för zombie invasionen!
"There are all kinds of emergencies out there that we can prepare for. Take a zombie apocalypse for example."
här matar CDC amerikanarna hur de skall förbereda sig för nästa "hot"
jag har funderat över nästa dragning från WHO då man misslyckades med "svininfluensan"
men trodde aldrig jag skulle se myndigheter använda sig av zombie propaganda.
Enligt information ifrån mina vänner "over there" så har denna sida väckt stor uppmärksamhet och det var tydligen CDC:s andemening..... ett sätt att nå fler människor via nätet......
.....allting kan säljas med mördande reklam......
torsdag 19 maj 2011
Photos and Videos of Chemtrails over Sweden from Chemtrail Truth Sweden

Photos and Videos of Chemtrails over Sweden from Chemtrail Truth Sweden
Source: Chemtrail Truth Sweden. Action is happening in Sweden in terms of info to public through sites like and Chemtrail Truth Sweden. Got some weird HAARP induced Pics and also some from Swedish Haarp-station LOIS. There are videos on the YouTube from Sweden as well: Chemtrails in Sweden. Chemtrail photos and videos from Sweden provide additional proof of a worldwide geoengineering effort.
Removing Chemtrail Toxins With Natural Products
Removing Chemtrail Toxins With Natural Products
Klicka på länken här ovan och läs hela artikeln.
Therapeutic Clays
Therapeutic clays can be used internally and externally to take the toxins out of the body. Here are a several good websites to either learn more or to make a purchase:
Phil, recommends (and sells) the Living Clay brand of pure calcium bentonite clay. On his website,, he has a special page generally reserved for his newsletter subscribers, where big discounts are offered:
Phil has used Living Clay himself internally and externally for year. I’ve never found another clay that can compare. It’s amazing stuff!
Please look at both Jason’s and Phil’s sites. They have both been most kind in offering discounts and advice to all who seek to detox from these Chemtrails
There are many benefits of using clay to remove toxins from your body. These are special types of clay. You will use them to do foot soak. Also, where indicated, you can take them internally to help to cleanse out the toxins. You should take this gently. You will then see what a good combinations these products are to help you to start reversing this state of toxic overwhelm in your body.
You can also take Clay Baths, but if you are weak, elderly, have high blood pressure or heart issues, please seek the advice of the seller, who should be able to advise you on the safe ways to detox. I have personal experience of the need to detox safely, so please do not be afraid to detox. But, do it gently and find your comfort zones – where you are not detoxing too fast and feeling more ill as toxins are released from your fat cells and into your blood stream.
Here are several additional sources of information on therapeutic clays:
Klicka på länken här ovan och läs hela artikeln.
Therapeutic Clays
Therapeutic clays can be used internally and externally to take the toxins out of the body. Here are a several good websites to either learn more or to make a purchase:
- (ask for Phil)
- (ask for Jason)
Phil, recommends (and sells) the Living Clay brand of pure calcium bentonite clay. On his website,, he has a special page generally reserved for his newsletter subscribers, where big discounts are offered:
Phil has used Living Clay himself internally and externally for year. I’ve never found another clay that can compare. It’s amazing stuff!
Please look at both Jason’s and Phil’s sites. They have both been most kind in offering discounts and advice to all who seek to detox from these Chemtrails
There are many benefits of using clay to remove toxins from your body. These are special types of clay. You will use them to do foot soak. Also, where indicated, you can take them internally to help to cleanse out the toxins. You should take this gently. You will then see what a good combinations these products are to help you to start reversing this state of toxic overwhelm in your body.
You can also take Clay Baths, but if you are weak, elderly, have high blood pressure or heart issues, please seek the advice of the seller, who should be able to advise you on the safe ways to detox. I have personal experience of the need to detox safely, so please do not be afraid to detox. But, do it gently and find your comfort zones – where you are not detoxing too fast and feeling more ill as toxins are released from your fat cells and into your blood stream.
Here are several additional sources of information on therapeutic clays:
tisdag 17 maj 2011
Coast to Coast AM - Sunday May 8, 2011 (Fukushima and the Sun) David Ser...
Forskare och filmskaparen David Sereda talar här om strålningen som härrör till Fukushimas reaktorhärdsmälta för att sedan övergå att tala om de mystiska partiklar som solen sprider vid de s.k. sol-stormarna.
Han noterade att det var ett stort utbrott på solen dagarna före den japanska jordbävningen, som tycks antyda någon form av kausal verkan. Han varnar för att de radioaktiva strålningsnivåerna som redan nu når Kalifornien redan är problematiska och att människor skall ta till kalcium, magnesium och litium för att höja voltstyrkan per cell för att skydda hälsan på lång sikt.
100% säkert att döden följer i Chemtrails tecken.....
Bryr du dig om dina barn eller har gifterna redan förslöat din hjärna?
Jag älskar mina barn, mina barnbarn och vill att de skall ha en vacker framtid, vill du?
söndag 15 maj 2011
Fortsättning i ämnet Food Safety.. genmodifierat
Mat gör människor sjuka över hela världen och det finns till och med de som dör. Detta är ett globalt problem som få tar upp och diskuterar. Man försöker väl så gott man kan men idag räcker det inte tillräckligt långt. I sin jakt på större och högre vinster experimenteras det hej vilt med vår mat, våra födoämnen.
“Across the world, people are getting sick and dying from food like never before. Governments and corporations are responding with all kinds of rules and regulations, but few have anything to do with public health. The trade agreements, laws and private standards used to impose their version of ‘food safety’ only entrench corporate food systems that make us sick and devastate those that truly feed and care for people, those based on biodiversity, traditional knowledge, and local markets.”
But strict food standards disappear when it comes to genetically modified foods:
“At the trade negotiating table, the US government is well known –and feared– for pushing lax standards on genetically modified foods. Indeed, a diplomatic cable uncovered by Wikileaks shows that the George W. Bush administration pressured the French government to ease its stance against GMOs. In a 2007 cable, the US ambassador to France went so far as to suggest that ‘we calibrate a target retaliation list that causes some pain across the EU since this [acceptance of GMOs] is a collective responsibility, but that also focuses in part on the worst culprits.’ He added: ‘The list should be measured rather than vicious and must be sustainable over the long term, since we should not expect an early victory.’
“Such ‘diplomacy’ is for the clear and direct benefit of Monsanto, DuPont and other agricultural biotechnology corporations that do not like foreign countries banning GM seeds or foods, much less requiring labels that inform consumers of the presence of GM ingredients. US firms, especially the members of the Biotechnology Industry Organisation, religiously use FTA talks by Washington officials as a platform to secure market access for GMOs through aggressive regulatory reforms.”
Though the FDA makes a big deal of improper labeling, it refuses to label genetically modified foods in the US. This only serves biotech corporations, since 95% of the population wants GMO labeling.
Vem kan man och skall man lita på? Tydligen ingen annan än sig själv!
IMF = Internationella Valuta Unionen hoppar in och hjälper länder i kris. Jag undrar i vilken kris hotellstäderskan i New York befann sig i eftersom Herrn beslutade sig för att hjälpa henne med den lilla hjärnan......... den där lägre med mindre än 20 hjärnceller.
och när vi ändå befinner oss "over there"
Spelar det egentligen någon roll var Obama är född? Demokrati är väl när majoriteten röstar fram sin blivande ledare och låter honom göra sitt jobb, eller? Om detta nu är sant så kan man ju fundera över USA:s närvaro i Libyen, eller?
tisdag 10 maj 2011
EXCLUSIVE: Government Paid Millions to Vaccine-Injured Kids
Vaccin kan inte ge autism ändå betalas skadestånd ut...........
Korruption och utpressning kallas det väl för när man ombeds vara tyst för att få behålla pengarna.
Föräldrarna som fått ersättning säger att de inte är negativa till vaccin de vill bara tala om att ersättning har betalats ut.
måndag 9 maj 2011
Moskéer, islam och sex hmmm hur hänger det ihop??
Det var nog viktigare för amerikanarna att jaga Usama än att värna om världens barn för det är väl andra organisationer som sköter den saken, eller???
E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/07/2019
Classified By: Charge d´Affaires Dennis Hankins for reasons 1.4 (b and
1. (C) Summary: Reports of trafficking of Mauritanian child brides to Saudi Arabia are on the rise. The girls, usually between 5 and 12 years of age, are married off to wealthy Saudi men in exchange for hefty bride prices. Once they arrive in Saudi Arabia, they become sex slaves to their husbands. In 2008, the Association of Women Heads of Household -- a local NGO focused on women´s rights -- provided support to 15 victims of trafficking. This year, between January and March, they have already tended to 11 cases. In response to this problem, Aminetou Mint El Moctar, president of the association, has single-handedly launched a campaign against trafficking. She wants to raise awareness among parents about the realities of child marriages to Saudi men as well as force the government to acknowledge and address the problem. UNICEF recognizes the problem and intends to address it in its next national study on child trafficking but it has not taken any concrete action. End summary.
2. (C) In a meeting April 7 with PolOff, Mint El Moctar denounced the traditional practice of child marriages as the main driver of trafficking. Traffickers approach poor and ignorant Mauritanian families about marrying their daughters to wealthy Saudi men. Hefty bride prices amounting to 5-6 million ouguiya (approximately $20,000) and promises of better opportunities for the girls lure the families into accepting, says Mint El Moctar. The intermediaries are usually associated with local travel agencies, which Mint El Moctar says are in reality trafficking networks. The girls are taken to Saudi Arabia by a family member or by a travel agency designated "tutor." The agency intermediary gets a commission from the husband for striking the marriage deal -- amounts vary according to the girl´s beauty and youth.
3. (C) Mint El Moctar stressed that once they arrive in Saudi Arabia, these child brides become sex slaves to their husbands. She explained that pre-pubescent girls are highly prized by Saudi men but, once they reach puberty or become pregnant, they are of no further interest to their husbands. According to Mint El Moctar, the girls are then repudiated and thrown into the streets. Without a support network, they have no choice but to become prostitutes. Comment: PolOff had already heard reports of the sex slavery practice from Cy Lalla Aisha of human rights organization FONADH. Aisha told PolOff she had met a Mauritanian girl who had spent three years in Saudi Arabia locked up in a room without seeing anybody but her husband and a female servant who tended to her needs. The trafficking and abuses has also been denounced by Radio France International in a January 4 report that includes testimonies of Mulheri, a 7 year old girl trafficked to Saudi Arabia, and Aminetou who, upon her divorce, had to leave her children behind in Saudi Arabia. End comment.
4. (C) Mint El Moctar also denounced trafficking of adult women to Saudi Arabia for prostitution purposes. She said the travel agencies offer poor women to pay for their plane tickets and visa to look for work opportunities in Saudi Arabia. The women agree to reimburse the agency once they get to their destination. They are then forced to prostitute themselves to pay their debt. Mint Moctar said around thirty Mauritanian women have been convicted in Saudi Arabia for prostitution and are serving prison terms there. She stated these trafficking victims are punished for crimes they
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committed while being trafficked.
5. (C) The Mauritanian government does not recognize trafficking as a problem, says Mint El Moctar. Articles 332 and 335 of the Penal Code have provisions against trafficking which are not enforced. Mint El Moctar recently sent a letter to High State Council President General Abdel Aziz to denounce government inaction but received no response. As a result, she started her own public awareness campaign and is fighting for the creation of a law project to criminalize and combat trafficking. Comment: In February 2009, PolOff met with a government representative in the Ministry of Justice who stated trafficking of Mauritanian women did not exist and trafficking to Saudi Arabia was not possible because there was a government law that required women to travel with a male family member. End comment.
6. (C) Mint El Moctar stressed that the court system puts all the blame on the girls that are victims of trafficking. She mentioned that a girl who dares denounce her trafficker is accused of being a depraved and sinful woman.
7. (C) Mint El Moctar stated she has received death threats for pushing the issue. She has been accused of being a liar, a madwoman, and a traitor who damages Mauritania´s reputation.
8. (C) Mint El Moctar asked for the United States´ help to raise awareness of this problem and to bring the issue to the United Nations. She thanked the United States for denouncing human rights violations through the Human Rights report and said this publication had been useful in confronting the Mauritanian authorities with traditionally taboo issues.
9. (C) Mint El Moctar also expressed concern about a recent surge in child marriages in Mauritania. She explained that families are so worried about their daughters getting raped or having sex before marriage, that they marry them as soon as they can to preserve their honor. (Note: Rape is a generalized problem in Mauritania that receives no government attention. Zeinebou Mint Taleb Moussa, president of the Mauritanian Association for the Health of Mother and Child (AMSME), said that in 2008 the center she supervises -- the only one providing services to victims of rape in Mauritania -- received 304 victims. She stated most victims do not seek help. The week of April 1, a center volunteer was raped and threatened for her affiliation to the center. End note.) According to Mint El Moctar, early marriages expose young girls to domestic violence, domestic servitude, and endangers their health. She introduced PolOff to a pregnant 12 year old girl who had already been married for three years and was regularly beaten by her husband. Comment: Again, these reports were confirmed by Cy Lalla Aisha from FONADH who told PolOff one of her clients was a 12 year old who almost died in childbirth. End comment.
UNICEF and UN Population Fund POINT OF VIEW
10. (C) Both UNICEF and the UN recognize the problem but stated they do not have the resources to take concrete actions. Mohamed Lemine Ahmed Seyfer, Protection Specialist at UNICEF Mauritania stated that the "trafficking of Mauritanian girls to Saudi Arabia is a recognized problem that has been signaled by many NGOs. He said that the Ministry of Women has recognized the problem and that UNICEF intends to approach this issue in its next national study on
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child trafficking. They also intend to work together with UNICEF Saudi Arabia. Seyfer requested United States funds to help accelerate actions against child trafficking in Mauritania. He said UNICEF is soliciting funds to send a joint UNICEF/Ministry of Women investigative mission to Saudi Arabia.
11. (C) Ahmed Salem Bouh, representative of the United Nations Population Fund, said that the United Nations has been working in close collaboration with the government in the fight against child marriage and women´s rights in general. Nevertheless, even though they worked with the government to pass law´s against child marriage they don´t have specific programs to curtail the trafficking of Mauritanian girls to Saudi Arabia.
11. (C) Comment: Trafficking, the corollary of poverty and traditional practices harmful to women, is one of many taboos in Mauritanian society. NGOs like Mint El Moctar´s wage a lone battle without resources or recognition. The coup d´etat is likely to make their quest even more difficult. As the United States seeks to support democratic forces in Mauritania, it should put an emphasis on increasing these NGO´s capacity to denounce and fight human rights abuses as well as provide support to victims. With their "in your face approach" towards the government, their capacity to undertake concrete actions and mobilize the population at the grassroots level, and their desire to fight against all odds for a more democratic society -- even at the expense of their reputation and personal safety -- human rights activists like Mint El Moctar are among our best partners in democracy. End comment.
Internettstedet Wikileaks har fått tak i mer enn 250 000 dokumenter fra amerikanske ambassader og konsulater verden over.
Aftenposten har fått tilgang til alle dokumentene uten noen form for klausuler.
Dokumentene blir fortløpende vurdert som grunnlag for artikler etter de samme redaksjonelle kriterier og etiske regler som ellers i Aftenpostens journalistikk.
E-post til redaksjonen:
Det handlar om business, top business där mycket pengar är inblandat..... som vanligt.......
Det handlar också om makt. begär och sjuka böjelser som sker i ljuset av den s.k. religionen... fruktansvärt!
E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/07/2019
Classified By: Charge d´Affaires Dennis Hankins for reasons 1.4 (b and
1. (C) Summary: Reports of trafficking of Mauritanian child brides to Saudi Arabia are on the rise. The girls, usually between 5 and 12 years of age, are married off to wealthy Saudi men in exchange for hefty bride prices. Once they arrive in Saudi Arabia, they become sex slaves to their husbands. In 2008, the Association of Women Heads of Household -- a local NGO focused on women´s rights -- provided support to 15 victims of trafficking. This year, between January and March, they have already tended to 11 cases. In response to this problem, Aminetou Mint El Moctar, president of the association, has single-handedly launched a campaign against trafficking. She wants to raise awareness among parents about the realities of child marriages to Saudi men as well as force the government to acknowledge and address the problem. UNICEF recognizes the problem and intends to address it in its next national study on child trafficking but it has not taken any concrete action. End summary.
2. (C) In a meeting April 7 with PolOff, Mint El Moctar denounced the traditional practice of child marriages as the main driver of trafficking. Traffickers approach poor and ignorant Mauritanian families about marrying their daughters to wealthy Saudi men. Hefty bride prices amounting to 5-6 million ouguiya (approximately $20,000) and promises of better opportunities for the girls lure the families into accepting, says Mint El Moctar. The intermediaries are usually associated with local travel agencies, which Mint El Moctar says are in reality trafficking networks. The girls are taken to Saudi Arabia by a family member or by a travel agency designated "tutor." The agency intermediary gets a commission from the husband for striking the marriage deal -- amounts vary according to the girl´s beauty and youth.
3. (C) Mint El Moctar stressed that once they arrive in Saudi Arabia, these child brides become sex slaves to their husbands. She explained that pre-pubescent girls are highly prized by Saudi men but, once they reach puberty or become pregnant, they are of no further interest to their husbands. According to Mint El Moctar, the girls are then repudiated and thrown into the streets. Without a support network, they have no choice but to become prostitutes. Comment: PolOff had already heard reports of the sex slavery practice from Cy Lalla Aisha of human rights organization FONADH. Aisha told PolOff she had met a Mauritanian girl who had spent three years in Saudi Arabia locked up in a room without seeing anybody but her husband and a female servant who tended to her needs. The trafficking and abuses has also been denounced by Radio France International in a January 4 report that includes testimonies of Mulheri, a 7 year old girl trafficked to Saudi Arabia, and Aminetou who, upon her divorce, had to leave her children behind in Saudi Arabia. End comment.
4. (C) Mint El Moctar also denounced trafficking of adult women to Saudi Arabia for prostitution purposes. She said the travel agencies offer poor women to pay for their plane tickets and visa to look for work opportunities in Saudi Arabia. The women agree to reimburse the agency once they get to their destination. They are then forced to prostitute themselves to pay their debt. Mint Moctar said around thirty Mauritanian women have been convicted in Saudi Arabia for prostitution and are serving prison terms there. She stated these trafficking victims are punished for crimes they
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committed while being trafficked.
5. (C) The Mauritanian government does not recognize trafficking as a problem, says Mint El Moctar. Articles 332 and 335 of the Penal Code have provisions against trafficking which are not enforced. Mint El Moctar recently sent a letter to High State Council President General Abdel Aziz to denounce government inaction but received no response. As a result, she started her own public awareness campaign and is fighting for the creation of a law project to criminalize and combat trafficking. Comment: In February 2009, PolOff met with a government representative in the Ministry of Justice who stated trafficking of Mauritanian women did not exist and trafficking to Saudi Arabia was not possible because there was a government law that required women to travel with a male family member. End comment.
6. (C) Mint El Moctar stressed that the court system puts all the blame on the girls that are victims of trafficking. She mentioned that a girl who dares denounce her trafficker is accused of being a depraved and sinful woman.
7. (C) Mint El Moctar stated she has received death threats for pushing the issue. She has been accused of being a liar, a madwoman, and a traitor who damages Mauritania´s reputation.
8. (C) Mint El Moctar asked for the United States´ help to raise awareness of this problem and to bring the issue to the United Nations. She thanked the United States for denouncing human rights violations through the Human Rights report and said this publication had been useful in confronting the Mauritanian authorities with traditionally taboo issues.
9. (C) Mint El Moctar also expressed concern about a recent surge in child marriages in Mauritania. She explained that families are so worried about their daughters getting raped or having sex before marriage, that they marry them as soon as they can to preserve their honor. (Note: Rape is a generalized problem in Mauritania that receives no government attention. Zeinebou Mint Taleb Moussa, president of the Mauritanian Association for the Health of Mother and Child (AMSME), said that in 2008 the center she supervises -- the only one providing services to victims of rape in Mauritania -- received 304 victims. She stated most victims do not seek help. The week of April 1, a center volunteer was raped and threatened for her affiliation to the center. End note.) According to Mint El Moctar, early marriages expose young girls to domestic violence, domestic servitude, and endangers their health. She introduced PolOff to a pregnant 12 year old girl who had already been married for three years and was regularly beaten by her husband. Comment: Again, these reports were confirmed by Cy Lalla Aisha from FONADH who told PolOff one of her clients was a 12 year old who almost died in childbirth. End comment.
UNICEF and UN Population Fund POINT OF VIEW
10. (C) Both UNICEF and the UN recognize the problem but stated they do not have the resources to take concrete actions. Mohamed Lemine Ahmed Seyfer, Protection Specialist at UNICEF Mauritania stated that the "trafficking of Mauritanian girls to Saudi Arabia is a recognized problem that has been signaled by many NGOs. He said that the Ministry of Women has recognized the problem and that UNICEF intends to approach this issue in its next national study on
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child trafficking. They also intend to work together with UNICEF Saudi Arabia. Seyfer requested United States funds to help accelerate actions against child trafficking in Mauritania. He said UNICEF is soliciting funds to send a joint UNICEF/Ministry of Women investigative mission to Saudi Arabia.
11. (C) Ahmed Salem Bouh, representative of the United Nations Population Fund, said that the United Nations has been working in close collaboration with the government in the fight against child marriage and women´s rights in general. Nevertheless, even though they worked with the government to pass law´s against child marriage they don´t have specific programs to curtail the trafficking of Mauritanian girls to Saudi Arabia.
11. (C) Comment: Trafficking, the corollary of poverty and traditional practices harmful to women, is one of many taboos in Mauritanian society. NGOs like Mint El Moctar´s wage a lone battle without resources or recognition. The coup d´etat is likely to make their quest even more difficult. As the United States seeks to support democratic forces in Mauritania, it should put an emphasis on increasing these NGO´s capacity to denounce and fight human rights abuses as well as provide support to victims. With their "in your face approach" towards the government, their capacity to undertake concrete actions and mobilize the population at the grassroots level, and their desire to fight against all odds for a more democratic society -- even at the expense of their reputation and personal safety -- human rights activists like Mint El Moctar are among our best partners in democracy. End comment.
Internettstedet Wikileaks har fått tak i mer enn 250 000 dokumenter fra amerikanske ambassader og konsulater verden over.
Aftenposten har fått tilgang til alle dokumentene uten noen form for klausuler.
Dokumentene blir fortløpende vurdert som grunnlag for artikler etter de samme redaksjonelle kriterier og etiske regler som ellers i Aftenpostens journalistikk.
E-post til redaksjonen:
Det handlar om business, top business där mycket pengar är inblandat..... som vanligt.......
Det handlar också om makt. begär och sjuka böjelser som sker i ljuset av den s.k. religionen... fruktansvärt!
söndag 8 maj 2011
Food safety for whom?
A new briefing by GRAIN looks at how "food safety" is being used as a tool to increase corporate control over food and agriculture and what people are doing about it.
School children in the US were served 200,000 kilos of meat contaminated with a deadly antibiotic-resistant bacteria before the nation's second largest meat packer issued a recall in 2009. A year earlier, six babies died and 300,000 others got horribly sick with kidney problems in China when one of the country's top dairy producers knowingly allowed an industrial chemical into its milk supply. Across the world, people are getting sick and dying from food like never before.
A new briefing by GRAIN looks at how "food safety" is being used as a tool to increase corporate control over food and agriculture and what people are doing about it.
School children in the US were served 200,000 kilos of meat contaminated with a deadly antibiotic-resistant bacteria before the nation's second largest meat packer issued a recall in 2009. A year earlier, six babies died and 300,000 others got horribly sick with kidney problems in China when one of the country's top dairy producers knowingly allowed an industrial chemical into its milk supply. Across the world, people are getting sick and dying from food like never before.
Governments and corporations are responding with all kinds of rules and regulations, but few have anything to do with public health. The trade agreements, laws and private standards used to impose their version of "food safety" only entrench corporate food systems that make us sick and devastate those that truly feed and care for people, those based on biodiversity, traditional knowledge, and local markets.
"Corporations are increasingly in the drivers seat because they set the standards and implement them while governments merely frame the rules and clean up the mess," says GRAIN Director Henk Hobbelink. "These food and agriculture standards are spreading everywhere and are being used by Walmart and other corporations to organise markets according to their interests."
Det börjar nog snart bli dags för vår regering att bilda ett nytt organ vars uppgift blir att granska livsmedelsindustrin med rätt att göra dem ekonomiskt ansvariga om de börjar samarbeta med läkemedelsindustrin i syfte att göra människor sjuka för att få testobjekt!!! Vi i Sverige är bra försökskaniner eftersom vi inte har någon lag som skyddar oss eller som kan ge oss ekonomisk kompensation när och om vi blir drabbade. Vi måste börja fundera över denna problematik!!
Julian Assange Russia Today Interview May 2, 2011
Vad händer med Julian för närvarande?
Det verkar bero på vilken relation UK och övriga länder vill ha med USA.
Det värsta hotet är ignorans och medias lögner om de pågående krigen ute i världen.
Gammal skåpsmat men tyvärr så sant.........
lördag 7 maj 2011
Ju mer vaccin... ju högre dödlighet
May 4, 2011 — A new study, published in Human and Experimental Toxicology, a prestigious journal indexed by the National Library of Medicine, found that developed nations with higher (worse) infant mortality rates tend to give their infants more vaccine doses. For example, the United States requires infants to receive 26 vaccines (the most in the world) yet more than 6 U.S. infants die per every 1000 live births. In contrast, Sweden and Japan administer 12 vaccines to infants, the least amount, and report less than 3 deaths per 1000 live births.
The current study by Miller and Goldman, “Infant Mortality Rates Regressed Against Number of Vaccine Doses Routinely Given: Is There a Biochemical or Synergistic Toxicity?” (and .pdf available online here), found “a high statistically significant correlation between increasing number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates.” This raises an important question: Would fewer vaccines administered to infants reduce the number of infant deaths? The authors concluded that “closer inspection of correlations between vaccine doses, biochemical or synergistic toxicity, and infant mortality rates, is essential. All nations — rich and poor, advanced and developing — have an obligation to determine whether their immunization schedules are achieving their desired goals.”
Demokrati är rätten att välja mellan örtmedicin och skolmedicin, eller att kombinera dessa.
Dear friends,
The EU has just blocked our access to many herbal medicines, and already some household remedies are being taken off the shelves.
A new EU Directive came into force this week that erects high barriers to any herbal remedy that hasn't been on the market for 30 years -- including virtually all Chinese, Ayurvedic, and African traditional medicine. The EU Commission itself has recognised this is an over-regulation that will needlessly restrict consumer choice, but has done nothing to change it.
We need a massive outcry against this. Together, our voices can press the EU Commission to amend the directive, push our national governments to refuse to apply its excessive standards, and support a legal case that is challenging this regressive regulation. Sign below, forward this email to everyone, and let's get to 1 million voices to save herbal medicine:
It's hard to believe, but if a child is sick, and there is a safe and natural herbal remedy for that illness, as of this week it may be impossible to find that cure.
The EU says the new rules respond to several public health incidents involving herbal products that were applied incorrectly. Their stated goal is to protect consumers, but while regulatory oversight of herbal remedies is important, this new directive significantly reduces the number of products available to consumers, and practically drives out non European traditions, while doing little more to protect people from harm than the prior regulatory set-up. Three years ago EC itself recommended improvements to the directive to make it less prohibitive of Chinese and other non European traditions, but even their own suggestions have been ignored.
The Directive also creates major barriers to manufactured herbal remedies, costing up to 100,000 euros to acquire licenses, years of effort, and long expert processes to get each and every product approved. And research shows that it was the over the counter medicine group, AESGP that lobbied hard to push through the most restrictive elements of the legislation. Pharmaceutical companies have the resources to jump through these hoops but hundreds of small- and medium-sized herbal medicine businesses will not, and consumer choice will be seriously restricted.
We can stop this. The directive has been passed in the shadows of the bureaucracy, and it cannot stand under the light of democratic scrutiny. The EU Commission can amend it, and a court case in Britain is currently challenging it to do so. If European citizens everywhere come together now, it will give legitimacy to the legal case, and add to growing pressure on the Commission. Sign below, and forward this email to everyone, and Avaaz will deliver the petition when we reach one million signers:
Natural medicine deserves adequate regulation, but this heavy-handed directive harms the ability of Europeans to make safe and healthy choices. Let's stand up for our health, and our right to choose safe herbal medicine.
With hope and determination,
Ricken, Iain, Giulia, Benjamin, Alex, Alice, Pascal, Luis and the rest of the Avaaz team.
PS. Feel you need a greater understanding of this to sign on -- read our response to concerns here: The Alliance for Natural Health Questions and Answers also has useful questions and answers:
EU herbal medicines law set for legal challenge:
EU concerns on the Directive:
European Union directive to ban natural remedies in favour of pharmaceuticals:
Traditional Chinese medicine firms may face delisting in EU market:
EU crackdown on herbal 'remedies':
Värnar du din rätt så skriv under!!!!!
The EU has just blocked our access to many herbal medicines, and already some household remedies are being taken off the shelves.
A new EU Directive came into force this week that erects high barriers to any herbal remedy that hasn't been on the market for 30 years -- including virtually all Chinese, Ayurvedic, and African traditional medicine. The EU Commission itself has recognised this is an over-regulation that will needlessly restrict consumer choice, but has done nothing to change it.
We need a massive outcry against this. Together, our voices can press the EU Commission to amend the directive, push our national governments to refuse to apply its excessive standards, and support a legal case that is challenging this regressive regulation. Sign below, forward this email to everyone, and let's get to 1 million voices to save herbal medicine:
It's hard to believe, but if a child is sick, and there is a safe and natural herbal remedy for that illness, as of this week it may be impossible to find that cure.
The EU says the new rules respond to several public health incidents involving herbal products that were applied incorrectly. Their stated goal is to protect consumers, but while regulatory oversight of herbal remedies is important, this new directive significantly reduces the number of products available to consumers, and practically drives out non European traditions, while doing little more to protect people from harm than the prior regulatory set-up. Three years ago EC itself recommended improvements to the directive to make it less prohibitive of Chinese and other non European traditions, but even their own suggestions have been ignored.
The Directive also creates major barriers to manufactured herbal remedies, costing up to 100,000 euros to acquire licenses, years of effort, and long expert processes to get each and every product approved. And research shows that it was the over the counter medicine group, AESGP that lobbied hard to push through the most restrictive elements of the legislation. Pharmaceutical companies have the resources to jump through these hoops but hundreds of small- and medium-sized herbal medicine businesses will not, and consumer choice will be seriously restricted.
We can stop this. The directive has been passed in the shadows of the bureaucracy, and it cannot stand under the light of democratic scrutiny. The EU Commission can amend it, and a court case in Britain is currently challenging it to do so. If European citizens everywhere come together now, it will give legitimacy to the legal case, and add to growing pressure on the Commission. Sign below, and forward this email to everyone, and Avaaz will deliver the petition when we reach one million signers:
Natural medicine deserves adequate regulation, but this heavy-handed directive harms the ability of Europeans to make safe and healthy choices. Let's stand up for our health, and our right to choose safe herbal medicine.
With hope and determination,
Ricken, Iain, Giulia, Benjamin, Alex, Alice, Pascal, Luis and the rest of the Avaaz team.
PS. Feel you need a greater understanding of this to sign on -- read our response to concerns here: The Alliance for Natural Health Questions and Answers also has useful questions and answers:
EU herbal medicines law set for legal challenge:
EU concerns on the Directive:
European Union directive to ban natural remedies in favour of pharmaceuticals:
Traditional Chinese medicine firms may face delisting in EU market:
EU crackdown on herbal 'remedies':
Värnar du din rätt så skriv under!!!!!
torsdag 5 maj 2011
Mer forskning behövs inom autism området och det efterfrågas faktiskt!
The vaccine-autism debate is far from over. If anything, it is just getting started.
As the following comments, funding decisions, research priorites and published papers suggest, the US government and many scientists will be researching and discussing this topic for years to come. Here are some reasons why:
The federal government’s four leading health entitites dealing with vaccines and/or autism have all reached consensus: More vaccine safety research is required to fill gaps in knowledge, especially in the context of susceptible subpopulations, mitochondrial impairment, long-tern effects of vaccine-induced fever, seizures and brain injury, and other factors. Millions of dollars will be spent investigating these factors, and not because health officials somehow caved to parental pressure. Mercury in vaccines, for example, was designated as one of the CDC’s “high priority” vaccine safety issues, following an “extensive review of the literature, based on how strongly they seemed to be associated with ASD.”
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office of Immunization Saftey
The CDC will study autism “as a possible clinical outcome of immunization” as part of its 5-year research plan. It will also study mitochondrial dysfunction and the risk for “post-vaccine neurological deterioration,” and will convene an expert panel on the feasibility of studying health outcomes, including autism, among vaccinated and unvaccinated children.
The CDC is currently looking at environmental, genetic and socioeconomic risk factors for ASD, including vaccines and mercury.
We chose to look at vaccines and other types of medical procedures that may have mercury exposure,” the CDC says. The agency “designated these factors as high priority” following “an extensive review of the literature, based on how strongly they seemed to be associated with ASD.”
Selected mercury exposures include
Läs vidare:vaccines that the mom received during pregnancy, the child’s vaccine exposures after birth and specific other factors such as RhoGAM treatment in pregnancy if the mom has developed an immune response against the fetus that can harm it.”
onsdag 4 maj 2011
tisdag 3 maj 2011
KKV Nr. 4 / Uran och depleted Uranium (DU)
Med tanke på att Vattenfall AB har majoritetsägarintresse i våra kärnkraftsverk blir det katastrofalt om denna resurs säljs och blir privatägt imo.
Uran –mineraltillgångar i Sverige
•Sveriges totala urantillgångar i skiffrar och urberget har bedömts till över 250 millioner ton skiffrar med mer än 75.000 ton uraninnehåll. Brytvärda fyndigheter i urberget har bedömts kunna ha ett uraninnehåll på 10.000 –30.000 ton uran.
•Med ett uranpris på 130 USD per kg blir värdet teoretiskt i storleksordningen SEK 10 -30 miljarder för urbergsfyndigheterna.
•Uranförande skiffer har halter på 100 –300 g per ton. Teoretiskt hat de ett värde på upp till ca SEK 300 -400 per ton. För Ranstad i Billingen har fyndigheten uppskattats till ca 75.000 ton uran med ett teoretiskt värde på SEK 75 miljarder.
DU Depleted Uranium har en halveringstid på 4.5 miljarder år!
Vad händer med DU i Sverige...säljer vi det?
KKV Nr.3 Ägarförhållanden svensk kärnkraft
Kärnkraften i Sverige ägs enligt nedan och SKB ( svarar och agerar i egen sak sas då SKB ägs till 12 % av EON, Vattenfall 36% OKG 22%
Forsmarks Kraftgrupp 30%
Vattenfall AB
OKG AB som har EON som moderbolag
Forsmark AB som har Vattenfall som moderbolag;
BarsebäckKraft AB som har Vattenfall som moderbolag;
Kärnkraftverken i Ringhals och Barsebäck ägs av Ringhals AB och Barsebäck Kraft AB som bildar Ringhalsgruppen. I Ringhalsgruppen är Vattenfall AB huvudägare med 74.2% av aktieinnehavet. Sydkraft Kärnkraft AB är delägare med 25.8% av aktieinnehavet (Barsebäck kraft, 2004)
Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB ansvarar för kärnkraftverket i Forsmark. I företaget är
Vattenfall AB huvudägare med 66 % av aktieinnehavet, delägare är Sydkraft AB med 8,5 % av aktieinnehavet och Mellansvensk Kraftgrupp med 25,5% av aktieinnehavet.(Forsmark, 2004)
Oskarshamns kärnkraftverk ägs av OKG AB som sedan år 1993 är ett dotter bolag till Sydkraft AB, Sydkraft AB innehar 54,5 % av aktierna. Fortum Abp innehar de resterande 45,5 procenten av aktierna.(OKG , 2004)
Vattenfall AB är det största bolaget inom kärnkraftsproduktionen i dag, då de är huvud ägare i tre av de fyra bolag som tillverkar kärnkraft i Sverige. Vattenfall AB ägs helt av svenska staten.(Regeringen, 2004) Oskarshamns kärnkraftverk ägs däremot av de privata företagen Sydkraft AB och Fortum Abp. Sydkraft AB ägs till stor del av Norska Statkraft med 44,6% av aktieinnehavet. Huvudägare är den stora Tyska energi koncernen E.ON Ag med 55% av aktieinnehavet.(Sydkraft, 2004) Fortum Abp är ett finskt bolag där finska staten är delägare (Fortum, 2004).
Inte långt efter att kärnkraftsproduktionen i Sverige startat skrevs det en lag som tvingade de kärnkraftsproducerande företagen att ta hand om deras radioaktiva avfall. Då startades bolaget Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB, SKB.(SKB, 2004) SKB ägs gemensamt av de kärnkraftproducerande bolagen i Sverige. Ägarförhållandena i SKB kan ses i tårtdiagrammet nedan.(SKB, 2004)
Med tanke på att Vattenfall AB har majoritetsägarintresse i våra kärnkraftsverk blir det katastrofalt om denna resurs säljs och blir privatägt imo.
KKV Nr.2 ånggeneratorer o flytande kärnkraftsverk
Gällande de ånggeneratorer man vill transportera från Kanada;
(((På Kimos hemsida kan man också se hur man i Ryssland har FLYTANDE kärnkraftsverk!!!!!!! )))
Svar från Studsvik gällande återvinning av ånggeneratorer;
Mina kommentarer och funderingar kommer efter Jerrys och är i grön fetstil.
Jag har nedan försökt sammanfatta svar på dina frågor. Har använt din text och lagt in svar i blå fetstil.
Återkom gärna om du har några ytterligare frågor eller funderingar.
Jag undrar om ni som företag tar hand om slutförvaringen av det avfall på de ånggeneratorer ni återvinner?
Nej, det åligger ägaren/kunden till ånggeneratorer att ta tillbaka och slutförvara avfallet i respektive lands deponi för radioaktivt avfall.
Kan ni tala om var detta sker?
I Sverige sker slutförvar av driftavfall i SKBs anläggning SFR i Östhammar/Forsmark. Det är dit som Svenska kunder skickar sitt avfall från behandling av stora komponenter av typen ånggeneratorer. Svenska kunder måste avse Barsebäck, Forsmark, OKG och Vattenfall. Vilka industriella kunder i övrigt har SKB som slutförvar? Tysk kärnkrafts avfall genom EON??
Äger ni själva slutförvaringssystemet eller är detta en statlig angelägenhet?
Nej, ägare av slutförvaret i Sverige är SKB
Vilka står kostnaderna för denna slutförvaring?
Kärnkraftsindustrin genom SKB.
Hur sanerar ni luft/sand/vatten vid blästringen av metallen?
Utsläppsluften från anläggningar sker genom filtrering i två steg med kontinuerlig provtagning av utsläppsluften efter filtren.
Blästermedlet blir ett avfall som deponeras enligt rutiner för respektive kund/ägare av avfallet. Vatten förekommer inte i blästerprocessen.
Är det gjort regelbunden provtagning i området sedan ni påbörjade de första saneringarna?
Ja, det sker enligt fastlagda rutiner för omgivningskontroller på Studsviksområdet.
Har ni gjort prover på mark/vattendrag innan ni startar med det kontrakt från Kanada som ni förväntas påbörja inom kort?
Som ovan enligt fastlagda rutiner
Vad har ni för försäkringar gällande eventuella skador vid eventuella olyckor runt er återvinningsanläggning?
Vi har en ansvarsförsäkring som täcker sak-, liv- och förmögenhetsskador på "tredje man".
Försäkringen är ett krav enligt Atomansvarslagen och godkänns varje år av Finansinspektionen.
Utan denna försäkring så har vi inget driftstillstånd.
Med bästa hälsningar
Jerry Ericsson
Chief Financial Officer, deputy CEO
Studsvik AB
P.O. Box 556
SE-611 10 Nyköping, SWEDEN
Visiting address V:a Trädgårdsgatan 38, 5 tr
Phone/Cell Phone +46 155 22 10 32
SMS text messaging +46 760 02 10 32
Fax +46 155 26 30 00
KKV Nr.1 / Tankar om kärnkraft och avfallslagring i Sverige
Sverige vill vara först i världen med permanent lagring;
5000 ton lagras redan i bassänger...var kommer detta ifrån? Har våra kärnkraftsverk redan producerat så mycket avfall under 25 år?
3 billioner investeras i Östhammar-man tog fram champagnen på kommunkontoret när man fick besked om slutförvaringen i kommunen som planerar att lagra 12000 ton......
Var skall resten slutförvaras om man idag har 5 000 ton efter 25 år med kärnkraft....Hur kan vi ha så mycket avfall redan då det endast varit ett fåtal kkverk som varit i bruk samtidigt....?.....eller är det så att vi förvarar avfall från Tyskland?....Vattenfall köper ju el från deras kärnkraftsproduktion...genom EON som har 12 % i våra kärnkraftsverk idag....
Med 10 nya reaktorer som alliansen vill bygga blir ju behovet av slutförvaring oerhört stort och var finns andra alternativ än Östhammar som redan innan det blivit klart nästan är fyllt till hälften?
Varför kör man denna nyhet i Tysk media???
Varje år producerar en svensk kärnreaktor mellan 15 och 25 ton använt kärnbränsle. Om dagens tio reaktorer drivs i 50–60 år kommer mängden att uppgå till ungefär 12 000 ton. Den exakta mängden beror på hur länge reaktorerna drivs.
12 reaktorer x 25 ton x 25 år = 7500 ton
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