söndag 15 maj 2011

Fortsättning i ämnet Food Safety.. genmodifierat

Mat gör människor sjuka över hela världen och det finns till och med de som dör. Detta är ett globalt problem som få tar upp och diskuterar. Man försöker väl så gott man kan men idag räcker det inte tillräckligt långt. I sin jakt på större och högre vinster experimenteras det hej vilt med vår mat, våra födoämnen.


“Across the world, people are getting sick and dying from food like never before. Governments and corporations are responding with all kinds of rules and regulations, but few have anything to do with public health. The trade agreements, laws and private standards used to impose their version of ‘food safety’ only entrench corporate food systems that make us sick and devastate those that truly feed and care for people, those based on biodiversity, traditional knowledge, and local markets.”

But strict food standards disappear when it comes to genetically modified foods:
“At the trade negotiating table, the US government is well known –and feared– for pushing lax standards on genetically modified foods. Indeed, a diplomatic cable uncovered by Wikileaks shows that the George W. Bush administration pressured the French government to ease its stance against GMOs. In a 2007 cable, the US ambassador to France went so far as to suggest that ‘we calibrate a target retaliation list that causes some pain across the EU since this [acceptance of GMOs] is a collective responsibility, but that also focuses in part on the worst culprits.’ He added: ‘The list should be measured rather than vicious and must be sustainable over the long term, since we should not expect an early victory.’
“Such ‘diplomacy’ is for the clear and direct benefit of Monsanto, DuPont and other agricultural biotechnology corporations that do not like foreign countries banning GM seeds or foods, much less requiring labels that inform consumers of the presence of GM ingredients. US firms, especially the members of the Biotechnology Industry Organisation, religiously use FTA talks by Washington officials as a platform to secure market access for GMOs through aggressive regulatory reforms.”
Though the FDA makes a big deal of improper labeling, it refuses to label genetically modified foods in the US. This only serves biotech corporations, since 95% of the population wants GMO labeling.

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